Cultural evenings

The situation with the Corona virus posed an interesting challenge to us and made us reconsider usual methods of holding mass events. Therefore, the team of Foyer International launched a new format of the traditional Cultural evenings and made them available online.

The premier of the first film „Cultural evenings. Let’s talk“ happened on 4th of May 2020 on the University’s official YouTube page.


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Let’s talk: Konstantinos Tsaknakis from Greece

The second film is going to be uploaded on 15th of June 2020. This time we will learn how to cook one of the most popular Chinese dishes – Hot pot. Zhong Siqi and Pan Xiaolu, our students from China, will guide us through the process of cooking and tell us a lot of interesting facts about their country and traditions. Stream the video here:

By the way, do not miss your chance to win our gifts by commenting about your favorite recipe below the video!

Teaser Video Let‘ talk: Zhong Siqi and Pan Xiaolu from China
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